One hundred and seventeen original props, costumes and memorabilia from Hollywood film sets are the stars of the exhibition MOVIE ICONS. Objects from Hollywood sets. From the feather in Forrest Gump to the magic wand in Harry Potter, from the Stormtrooper helmet in Star Wars to the bullet in The Matrix: these are just a few of the original props on display at the Mole Antonelliana that have shaped the cinematic imagination over the last 40 years. The exhibition is not a simple census of memorabilia from the main cult movies of the last decades. Movie Icons proposes, in fact, a journey between film genres through iconic objects, costumes, accompanied by posters and publicity materials from the Museum's collection to give life to a stratification of stories: from the simple memory of the film and its history to the backstage and the different professions of the cinema.
€ 15,00 (solo museo) Intero € 13,00 (solo museo) Ridotto compreso tra 6 e 26 anni € 0,00 Gratuito invalidità superiore al 67%; minore 5 anni; possessori di Abbonamento Musei; soci ICOM € 20,00 (Museo + ascensore) Intero € 17,00 (Museo + ascensore) Ridotto compreso tra 6 e 26 anni