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I am a painter

 “Io sono solo un pittore”  ("I am just a painter") Giacomo Grosso justified himself (Cambiano 1861-Torino (Turin) 1938) after having scandalized Italy in 1895, at the first ‘Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia’ (International Exhibition of Art in Venice), when presenting his work of the “il Supremo Convegno” ("the Supreme Convention"), which portrayed an orgy of naked maidens on Don Giovanni's uncovered coffin. A great master of painting of Piemonte (Piedmont) who was born in a family of modest conditions, his father was a blacksmith. The painter’s great talent was acknowledged from his early works of art. He knew how to represent an authentic naturalistic verism.

He became an esteemed teacher at the Accademia of Torino (Academy of Turin), working as a portraitist, achieving successes at home and abroad. In 1898 he was awarded the gold medal at the Paris Salon.

10100 Torino TO