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Recently restructured and given a new life as a cultural and exhibition center, this unique structure has towered over Saluzzo since far off 1270 when the Marquis Tommaso I of Saluzzo had it built as a fortress. Tommaso III enlarged it by adding a sizable square tower, but it was only in 1492, after major upgrading, that it became a noble home. In order to welcome his young French bride, the Marquis Ludovico II had new apartments, large state rooms, a garden, and a circular tower built. The structure followed the fortune of the marquises and, with their decline, was left to such decay that between 1825 and 1992 it was used as a prison. Recently, a careful restoration has given this very worthy structure, which is part of the area’s history, back to the community.

Piazza Castello
12037 Saluzzo CN

Ticket prices

Full price 

euro 7,00

Free entry 

Giovani fino a 18 anni, diversamente abili, tesserati ICOM, Abbonamento Musei Piemonte, scuole di Saluzzo che si presentino come classi, studenti in materie artistiche ed architettoniche per motivi di studio, guide turistiche (con tesserino).

Reduced price 

euro 3,50

Visit information

Availability for group visits
Schedule for fixed time visits 
Orario invernale - visite guidate: visite a partenza fissa sabato, domenica e festivi alle ore 11.00 e 15.30. Orario estivo - visite guidate: visite a partenza fissa sabato, domenica e festivi alle ore 11.00 e alle 16.30.

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