The Jewish community of Cherasco dates back to the 16th century when several families, who had fled France and Spain, decided to put down roots in the town. They became moneylenders (the “Banca Segre Leone” which made no-interest loans to needy farmers was well known), but also cloth merchants and fabric producers. A small, one-block community makes up the ghetto of Cherasco, where there was never a strong segregation. The Synagogue, in fact a typical “ghetto synagogue” located on the top floor of a house in Via Marconi 4, dates back to the 13th century, is small, and has a quadrangular layout. In the center, there is an octagonal Teva, a sculpted and painted wooden canopy, and various lamps hang from the ceiling. The walls are bare, but delicate floral designs frame the writings from the Pentateuch. Stairs lead to the women’s gallery, hidden by a light grillwork, where women could follow the service. Adjoining the synagogue, is a small “schola” for Torah lessons with its eight long benches which Gina Lagorio affectionately recalls in her book, “Tra le mura stellate”.
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