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This church was built in an austere neoclassical style in a circular plan, between 1827 and 1831 by Ferdinando Monsignore. It celebrated the return to Torino of Victor Emmanuel I after the congress of Vienna. Inside the church, on the high altar, there is a sculpture of the Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus by Andrea Galassi. The picturesque crypt, that houses the Ossario dei Caduti della Prima Guerra Mondiale (Charnel House for the Dead Soldiers from World War I), was designed by the architect Giovanni Ricci in 1932. This church is considered to be the most esoteric of Torino, to such an extent that one of the two groups of sculptures that decorate the façade is believed to be able to give directions for the quest for the Holy Grail, the legendary chalice of the Last Supper. In real terms, it is a fine neoclassical church, modelled on the Roman Pantheon, and is at the foot of the hill in Borgo Po. It is one of the most beautiful parts of town, which still retains the features of an old, popular “borgo” (outlying area), even though it has now become a fashionable part of town.

Piazza Gran Madre di Dio 4
10131 Torino TO
+39 0118193572

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